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As guest teacher for diverse departments of the The Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, I've taught clinics of historical flutes for the Art of Sound department, Iconography lectures for the Early Music Department, I'm part of the woodwinds team of methodology in teaching, and I'm guest teacher of methodology of the baroque flute. I'm also teacher of the course Historical development of the traverso and flute, and the minor course on baroque flute.
I´ve also been guest teacher of baroque flute in The Royal Conservatoire's Young Talent Department in The Hague between 2017 and 2019.
Since 2017 and until the breakout of the COVID-19 crisis I've been asked by Fontys Hogeschool voor de kunsten in Tilburg as a guest teacher of traverso for their Master of Music program.
I have taught lectures and masterclasses for the National University of the arts in Argentina, for the Janacek Academy in Brno, in the Summer school for Early Music in Valtice, and others.
I teach at the Muziekacademie Den Haag
'The Characters of the flute' has been published worldwide by the Research catalogue, an international database for artistic research.
It received an excellent mark from the jury at its presentation in the Royal Conservatoire The Hague.
In 2019 it has been selected to be presented during the Royal Music Association/Institute for Musical Research and the University of London SOAS joint Conference ´Iconography as a source for music history´
Before the flute's ascension to rival the violin and harpsichord in repertoire and expressive character, its first defined soloistic role emanated from music in the reign of Louis XIV. Iconography and collections of allegories, circulated in Europe since Cesare Ripa's Iconologia´s first edition in 1590, depicted the flute with two distinct figures. In the first, the flute symbolises the sweetening of the human voice in vital persuasion, while the second related to the art of pleasing. These artistic representations influenced the composer's choices for the flute, from keys and tempi to specific technical requirements. It must follow, then, that there is a strong link between the dramatic or allegoric content of the pieces in question and the technical and expressive identity of the late Seventeenth Century and early Eighteenth Century flute. This paper addresses this phenomenon through the French Cantate, with a primary focus on A. Camprá and N. Clérambault, in addition to further context of stylistic influence in subsequent compositions.
You can access the complete research by clicking here
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